Tool can teach you everything you need to know about business marketing.
Tool Live at Rod Laver Arena 23/2/2020
Tool, those enigmatic rockers from California. I’ll level with you by saying: I’m a huge fan. Huge fan. But don’t let that dissuade you from reading on, I’ll keep emotion out of this and simply show you how TOOL can help you and your business achieve meteoric success.
How does a band that receives no radio airplay, has a 13 year gap between new music, and rails against all the popular “methods” of engagement and marketing sell out every stadium they attend, and catapult to number one in every global chart when they release an album?
When all the so-called gurus of marketing and advertising insist you have to be “Johnny Everywhere” and have 7 points of contact every day, TOOL show this to be simply smoke and mirrors.
So What Do TOOL Do?
They focus on what they do well. Everything is about the music. TOOL are a band, they create intricate compositions for an ever growing audience. They are virtuosos in a time that reveres auto tune and ad-friendly pop songs.
They won a Grammy with a 16 minute song.
The mass media demands shorter sound grabs as they tell us that people have a waning attention span. The mass media insist that we can’t handle longer form content.
The Mass Media are Resisting What Is…
TOOL proves this. People can, and more importantly, want to digest information in long form. And TOOL aren’t the only threat to this outdated system of information sharing. Anyone out there who has listened to even a little of the Joe Rogan Experience can attest to the value of a longer conversation.
Joe Rogan and TOOL show you how this can be done. It’s simple, it’s effective, and it doesn’t cost a fortune in advertising expenditure with oligarchic media moguls intent on convincing you otherwise.
What is the road-map? Focus on being the best you can be. If you sell fuzzy widgets, be the best fuzzy widget creator on the planet. If you have a product that is the best, and you never compromise your values; you cannot fail.
You don’t need gimmicky strategies designed to fool people out of their hard-earned coin. Gimmicks can get you a short-term gain, but will fail you in the long run as people realise your lack of authenticity.
Don’t worry about the other brands out there, simply be the best, offer the best service, give more than you can possibly take, and create raving fans who can happily wait 13 years for your next product.
TOOL Playing anti-hit Stinkfist at a packed out Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia